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To gain access to all the great presentations below, please register for our online course here:

Cardiac anatomy and imaging planes

Ben A.png

Dr Ben Ariff

Consultant Radiologist,

Imperial College NHS Trust

Physics 1: Bright blood and black blood techniques

Ben A.png

Dr Ben Ariff

Consultant Radiologist,

Imperial College NHS Trust

ECG synchronisation and k-space segmentation

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Part 1. Patient preparation and types of synchronisation

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Ben Statton

MRI Superintendent Radiographer,

MRC, London Institute of Medical Sciences

Imperial College London

Part 2. k space segmentation and arrhythmias

Physics 2: imaging flow and late gadolinium enhancement

Imaging flow.PNG

Part 1. Imaging flow

Ben S.png

Ben Statton

MRI Superintendent Radiographer,

MRC, London Institute of Medical Sciences

Imperial College London

Part 2. Late gadolinium enhancement

Image optimisation techniques

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Alaine Berry

MRI Research Radiographer,

MRC, London Institute of Medical Sciences

Imperial College London

Stress perfusion MRI - a radiographers perspective


Alaine Berry

MRI Research Radiographer,

MRC, London Institute of Medical Sciences

Imperial College London

Ischaemic heart disease and adenosine stress perfusion


Dr Gajen Kanaganayagam

Consultant Cardiologist,

Imperial College NHS Trust

What clinicians need from CMR


Dr Declan O'Regan

Consultant Radiologist,

Imperial College NHS Trust

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